Living With the Grief of Climate Change (Part 2)

Social intelligence is the new green.


Change is in the air.

Climate change is in the air.

Global warming is in the air.


Seeing further than what is imaginable.

Seeing beyond my fear of the future.

Life as usual becomes arrogance.


I live with an intolerable grief

It is bigger than me

Is it true that Life is threatened?


No, no, human life is collapsing

And with it many others,

But no, not Life itself, that’s impossible!


My children will face it more than I

My grandchildren will swim in it

Their children may not stand a chance


Confusion about truth

Disillusion regarding solutions

Distortion about actions to take


Where is my hope?

My hope is in my neighbourhood

Social intelligence is the new green


Turning to my community for connection

Creating bonds for revolution

Being stronger than my addictions.


Growing tomatoes and potatoes

Knowing the name of the homeless

Sitting at the beside of the dying


These are no revolutionary acts

They are social intelligence acts of kindness

A remedy for intolerable grief


Change is in the air

The climate of the frozen human heart is melting

Global warming of human connection is in the air.

Marie Naubert













Menopausal grief and aging, a doorway to wisdom.


Living With the Grief of Climate Change (part 1)